Hi Everyone,We really appreciate the reports about this and wanted to provide an update for those of you with Trial of the Crusader or Trial of the Grand Crusader lockouts that are in limbo at the moment.We are aware of an issue that can rarely cause some raid lockouts to not properly save and will create a new raid instance when attempting to resume progress in an existing lockout. If you find that you are expecting to zone into a partially cleared instance and find yourself in a fresh instance instead, you may go ahead and clear that instance to finish out your week without fear of account action. However, we will be monitoring logs closely and groups found to have fully cleared ToC or TOGC multiple times (e.g. have killed Anub’arak more than once) within the same raid size and within the same lockout, may face account action at our discretion.This is our bug and our mistake, and while this is unfortunate, in the interest of playing nice and playing fair, we don’t want to be too heavy handed and punish groups that may have happened upon this issue accidentally while attempting to prog and just want to get their clear for the week. We would however strongly discourage groups from attempting to deliberately reproduce this to get multiple full clears within the same lockout.We plan to have a full fix in place by this next week’s reset (July 4th in the US region). We appreciate everyone’s patience while we’ve worked through this issue and sincerely apologize for any uncertainty or frustration that this might have caused.Thank you!

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