Posted 1 hr 4 min ago by Squishei

Specialization (1)

  •  Casting Frostbolt or Flurry grants you an Icicle. Casting Ice Lance causes all Icicles stored to begin launching at the target, each dealing (0.1% of Spell power) Frost damage.
    Up to 5 Icicles can be stored. Any excess Icicles gained will be automatically launched.
    Increases the damage of Frozen Orb, Blizzard, and Comet Storm by 9%.
    Increases the damage of Ice Lance, Glacial Spike, Ebonbolt and Ray of Frost by 6%

Talents (2)

  •  Cone of Cold’s cooldown is increased to 45 sec and if Cone of Cold hits 3 or more enemies it resets the cooldown of Frozen Orb and Comet Storm. In addition, Cone of Cold applies Winter’s Chill to all enemies hit.
    Cone of Cold’s cooldown can no longer be reduced by your cooldown reduction effects.
    Effect #1 NEW Effect #3 Dummy
    Value: 3

 While Icy Veins is active, each Frostbolt you cast reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 2%4% and increases its damage by 2%4%, stacking up to 105 times.

Talents (2)

  •  Turns your skin to stone for 15 sec, increasing your current and maximum health by 15%20% and reducing all damage you take by 20%.
    Combines with other Fortifying Brew effects.
  •  Summons a White Tiger Statue at the target location for 30 sec, pulsing (25% of Attack power) damage to all enemies every 2 sec for 30 sec.
    NEW Added: Reset cooldown when boss encounter ends

Talents (2)

  •  Holy Shock’s healing and damage is increased by 5%.
    Category changed from Talents to Uncategorized
  •  Holy Shock now has 2 charges.
    Talent position has changed.

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