Merithra’s new model (left) compared to her current model in Dragonflight.

While not actually an innate part of her new model, we previously datamined her crown in Patch 10.1.7, theorizing that it would become a symbol of her newfound status as Aspect of the Green Dragonflight, presuming the empowered aspect models are indeed a sign of their returning powers. The crown can also be seen in Merithra’s dragon form, which we datamined during the first PTR build earlier this month.

Merithra’s visage form, with standalone crown attached.

Merithra’s new dragon model innately features the crown.

It’s also interesting to note that these new models include the same glowing eyes datamined for the other dragon aspects, lending further evidence to support the idea that Merithra will inherit this power instead of her mother – as if The Great Dragons hadn’t already made that clear enough!

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