Trading Post OverviewOctober 2023 RewardsOctober 2023 Traveler’s Log Activities

October’s Easiest Trading Post Challenges

Several activities this month can easily generate a lot of points quickly. Some of these are event-related, so check first if the event is still running!

400 Points with Dreamsurges

An easy 400 points can be earned in total with Dreamsurges – which are also great for speed-gearing alts.

Collect 100 & 250 Dreamsurge Coalescence – 100 & 150 Points for a total of 250 Points

  • There are several ways to collect Dreamsurge Coalescence, but the easiest way is probably to complete Waking Dreams and kill Rare Elites empowered by the Dreamsurge – both also Trading Post tasks.
  • If any character still has 250+ Dreamsurge Coalescence in their bags, just logging into them will complete this task!

Defeat Rare Elites Empowered by the Dreamsurge – 100 Points

  • Requires defeating 10 Rare Elites. This is easily done with an addon that announces rares like Silverdragon or Raretracker, or just joining a rare-farming group!

Complete 3 Waking Dreams – 50 Points

  • Large Waking Dream portals spawn every half-hour. Smaller portals can sometimes be found littered around the zone.
  • If you want a more challenging task, completing 15 Waking Dreams in all will grant an extra 150 Points!

300 Points with World Quests

There are tasks for completing both World Quests and normal Quests this month, and completing World Quests counts towards both of them!

Complete 5 & 10 World Quests – 50 & 50 Points for a total of 100 Points

  • If you want to make this extra rewarding, complete gold World Quests in a Dreamsurge zone while Dreamsurge Magpies is active!
  • Completing 25 World Quests will also reward an additional 100 Points

Complete 10 Quests – 100 Points

  • World quests count, so just do the same as above!
  • Completing 25 and 50 Quests will each reward an additional 100 Points

300 Points with Brewfest

Brewfest is still running, and an easy 200 points can be earned while the event is active.

Participate in a Chowdown – 50 Points

  • The Chowdown mini-game takes place in a booth near the Brewfest Camp. Chowdown requires that you compete with other players to eat sausages quickly.

Earn 100 Brewfest Prize Tokens – 100 Points

  • Even half-way through the event, 100 tokens is easy to earn, especially if you haven’t collected all the Bar Tab Barrels in the Dragon Isles yet.
  • If you want more challenging tasks, collecting 300 tokens will earn another 100 Points, and collecting 600 will reward 200 Points!

Kill Coren Direbrew – 150 Points

  • During Brewfest, Coren Direbrew can be faced using the Dungeon Finder tool.

250 Points with the Darkmoon Faire

The Darkmoon Faire is running this week, and all the related Trading Post tasks are easy to do!

Enjoy a Ride – 50 Points

  • Simply ride the Darkmoon Faire carousel or rollercoaster on Darkmoon Faire Island.

Complete It’s Hammer Time – 50 Points

  • While the Darkmoon Faire is running, complete the quest It’s Hammer Time, which requires taking part in the Whack-A-Gnoll mini-game.

Speak with a Restless Spirit – 50 Points

  • Several ghosts haunt Darkmoon Island. While alive, you can spot them by the glittering patches with moving blue-green clouds that they create. You will need to die on the island and approach them as a ghost to speak with them yourself.

Wear a Fish Head to the Dungeons – 100 Points

  • Severed Crimsonscale Head and Severed Azurefin Head can be fished up easily on Darkmoon Island. They last in your bag for 24 hours and last for 1 hour after you put one on.
  • This tasks requires completing a dungeon on LFG – Random Timewalking dungeons count!

450 Points with Miscellaneous Tasks

If the above tasks don’t suit you, any of the following can be used to easily make up the points.

/cackle at a Forsaken player – 50 Points

  • Requires emoting /cackle at any Forsaken player.

Tend to your Farm at Sunsong Ranch – 50 Points

  • Requires tending to your Mists of Pandaria farm in Halfhill. Even if you don’t have a farm, this one is easy. Just pick up A Helping Hand in Valley of the Four Winds and follow the short quest line until you’ve completed the task.

Complete 1 & 5 Time Rifts – 50 & 150 Points for a total of 200 Points

  • Time Rifts are less popular now than they were, but there are still some people farming them. If you’re struggling, try using the group finder tool to find help.

Defeat 5 & 20 Raid Bosses – 50 & 100 Points for a total of 150 Points

  • For the first time, we don’t have the tasks to defeat 25 Raid Bosses, or the task to kill 10 Dragonflight raid bosses, but these tasks seems to have combined them. All raid bosses count, including ones from old raids.

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