From the start of the Warcraft franchise in the 1990s until Dragonflights released on November 28, 2022, the world of Warcraft universe has just grown into a huge number of new characters and stories. The power levels and the most important lore characters were measured as the game grew. The WoW community has sat together and in an intensive discussion, we concluded who are the strongest players in the game.
In a post yesterday on the WoW subreddit asked players who, as they say, are the strongest lore characters in every class. As players started clinging, if Morgraine or Turalyion is the strongest Paladin to ever walk Azeroth and if Chen Stormstout is a powerful Monk than the Emperor Shaohao, one player put together a decisive list that could only be really contested. The list looks like this:
- Death Knight: Arthas
- A self-suffering man. Despicable storms – Illidan.
- Druid: Malfurion and Cenarius (gods) – the parasitic disease.
- Hunter: The sisters of the windrunner are trying to beat me.
- Magih: Medivh
- Monk: Cheung Shutter Storm (intl.)
- Paladin: Uther
- Honorable mention. The Migraine name is very true.
- Priest: Joseph Throne Whisperwind, Prophet Velen, and Anduin Wrynn.
- Rogue: Garona Halforcen
- Shaman: Thralls!
- Aguerre: Guldan
- Your baby is a bit a tad bit a little bit tad.
While the community had continued the discussion, a lore scholar may easily indulge a few minds with the short explanation of their reasoning which is now established based solely on the lore of both WoW and Warcraft. The community has criticized some choices, but as of now, the general consensus is that this is the most correct list.
If you want to read more about the lore in WoW, check out our Dragonflight lore breakdown.