

  1. What a contrast between Sylvanas and the picture right after it when you was still „alive“ even this is AI this was a nice cut. And even she does not look like her. That was goosebumps when she went back to banshee queen again…

  2. Arthas Menethil, to me, is a prime example of a true hero whose love and dedication to his people are boundless. Many view him as a villain, but to me, he is the exact opposite. Arthas was a man willing to sacrifice everything – even his own humanity – to protect his people from an unimaginable threat. The decision to purge Stratholme was not a light or selfish act, but a desperate measure to prevent an even greater catastrophe. He acted from a deep protective instinct, driven to ward off the inevitable to save his people.

    Similarly, I see Anakin Skywalker, known as Darth Vader, as another true hero. Despite the dark paths he took and the mistakes he made, his heart was always focused on protecting those he cared about most. His journey as the Dark Lord may have been painful, but in the end, when he defeated the Emperor, he revealed his true nature – a desperate father willing to sacrifice himself to save his son.

    It deeply pains me that both figures are often misunderstood and perceived as villains. Their actions may seem extreme or controversial at first glance, but they are expressions of profound, unconditional love. They demonstrate what it means to risk everything for those dear to you, and that true heroism often emerges in the darkest moments and the toughest decisions.

    Arthas and Anakin remind us that heroes cannot always be measured by conventional standards. Their sacrifices, their love, and their relentless struggle against injustice are testaments to an indomitable spirit and deep responsibility. It is a tragedy that their true greatness is often overlooked. I admire them deeply for their willingness to sacrifice and their unwavering courage, and I hope their stories will one day be seen in a light that reflects their true heroism.

  3. It's kind of heartbreaking to see how much WoW has changed. Felt like Legion was the last big hurrah and then…wtf happened? The lore, the game design, the aesthetic. Everything just went to crap so suddenly. Not to say WoW didn't have rough spots before: WoD was pretty terrible, and Cata/MoP both had their share of spottiness, but at least there was always a sort of "soul" to it that kept me coming back. I played Classic when it came out and it was bittersweet. Finished all the raids, got my BiS, had a great time even though I played a ret pally lol. Still, I quit after it moved on as I knew WoW as a setting had moved on from the great background and worldbuilding it once had. Better to end on a good note at least, and I made close friends throughout my history with the game that I still hang out with to this day, so I can't say I felt cheated. Just disappointed where it went.

  4. I main a DK and have Arthas as my wallpaper+my entire gaming station ALL because of Arthas. Bolvar is a sell-out ˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ bitch with no balls. Arthas gave zero fvks.


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