Here you will find a list of hotfixes that address many issues related to World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, the Wrath of the Lich King Classic, the Burning Crusade Classic and the WoW Classic. Some of the hotfixes below appear within a year, while some may require reintroductions to the realm for a scheduled time to come into effect. Please keep in mind that some problems can’t be solved without a fixed patch update. As soon as there’s more hotfixes to be applied, this list will be updated.
30 – 2023 March 20, 2000.
- Warlock
- Affliction
- Fixed an issue where Soul-Eater’s Gluttony would not reduce the cooldown of Soul Rot if damage was absorbed.
- Demonology
- Fixed a problem where the damage of Umbral Blaze would not increase with a second rank.
- Affliction
Items and bonuses are sold.
- Fixed an issue where the Phoenix Wishwing pet wouldn’t appear in the pet journal a properly.
Lich King Classic.
- Classes
- Paladin
- Glyph of Righteous Defense will now properly increase the chance of hitting with this ability.
- Paladin
October 29.2023
- Druid
- An issue caused Ursoc’s Fury to collect an incorrect absorb value.
- Monk
- Mistweaver
- Fixed an issue that caused the extra Tiger Palm from Awakened Faeline to sometimes not cast as long as the changing facing or as the shift left.
- Mistweaver
- Paladin
- The solution is fixed, so some Paladins don’t get their Charger anymore.
- Priest
- Shadow
- Added an issue of the occurrence of the evil Affix, with which Idol of Y’Shaarj could remove Enrage from creatures affected by Enrage, to tetraser opta resurrected with methic+ Dungeons.
- Shadow
- Warlock
- Affliction
- Fixed an issue where the damage to Soul Flame did not match the amount described in the tooltip.
- Affliction
March 20, 2023, 2023, 2131.
- Druid
- Balance
- By working with the Dream Faerie Dragons, they realized that they often engage their enemies without having to. If the caster does, they will gain a stealth or invisible place and spawn closer to the caster.
- The damage caused by Starfall swelled by 13 percent.
- Starfall doesn’t damage until the last time it was played.
- Developers have notice: These changes address a bug. Starfall does damage once the first time it’s applied. If he is refreshed, the Starfall rewrites it instead of creating a new instance. Thus, the subsequent Starfalls won’t see the damage of their initial hit. This change removes the initial hit and adds the damage it’d deal with throughout Starfall’s other ticks. As a player, the delay is slightly greater than the time given which Starfall presents a damage, but with all the damage being increased when repeated attempts attempt to cast the player.
- Balance
- Paladin
- In a way that causes the effects of an Afterimage, an idea of a Divine Purpose can sometimes be inextricably consumed.
- A problem solved, where Fading Light sometimes applied an absorb without value.
- Priest
- Holy
- Fixed a bug that caused the symbol of hope to reduce the level of the human beings’ punishment. It will now only reduce the cooling up of Divine Protection.
- Shadow
- It was the reason for the fight to frighten up Mind Blasts after a squeaky attempt to break down the cast time of Mind Blast by talented Mind Melt.
- Holy
I’m a player. I think I’m a player.
- Classes
- Mage
- Fixed an issue that caused Frozen Orb to be shorter or longer than originally planned.
- Priest
- Shadow
- An issue affecting Syfiend’s use during Dispersion was fixed.
- Shadow
- Warlock
- Affliction
- Fixed an issue where the trigger exhale bypasses spell reflection and spell redirect mechanics. The original cast of Soul Swap is going to continue to circumvent these effects.
- Affliction
- Mage
The Lich King Classic is a Wrath of the Lich King.
- Classes
- The summation of companion pets can no longer trigger combat effects.
Then the 27th March 2023, 2023.
- Death Knight
- Frost
- Resets add power and reduction of power.
- Frost
- Druid
- Balance
- The Denizen of the Dream’s trigger rate increased unintentionally. It was restored to its intended value.
- Restoration
- Fixed a problem that caused the Forest’s Flow to fall in a bad shape and cause its disabling injury and damage to allies.
- Balance
- Evoker
- Fixed an issue where power spells failed to reach Rank 1, but when released prior to that point.
- Fixed an issue preventing Oppressing Roar’s cooldown from being reduced when dispelling Enrage effects with Overawe talent.
- Hunter
- Beast Mastery
- [With realm restarts] Kill command damage is reduced by 10 %.
- Marksmanship
- – With realm restarts, all abilities and pet damage has been reduced to 4%.
- Survival
- [With realm restarts] Mongoose Bite damage has been reduced by 10%. This doesn’t affect PvP combat.
- Beast Mastery
- Paladin
- Retribution
- Fixed an issue that made Fading Light’s value better than intended for Retribution Paladins.
- Retribution
- Warlock
- The developers note that we’re modifying the works of Grimoire of Sacrifice to show it the same way as the work of Warlock demons. Warlock is a pet-centric class, so we have the option to end your pet, but we don’t always want it to be a clear answer.
- The damage of the Grinch of Sacrifice is now reduced to 10% (was 15%) by Wrathful Minion.
- This new realm is beginning to restart! Demonic Inspiration increases Grimoire of Sacrifice’s damage by 5% (so far from 15%).
- The Grimoire of Sacrifice has improved by 15 percent.
- Affliction
- Note: The removal of less impactful talents in both their class and specialization trees, affliction received some additional damage options that have increased their damage beyond what was intended. We’re making these adjustments to maintain the standards of the other damage dealers.
- Due to the expansion of realms, damage from spells and abilities is reduced by 22%.
- Realm restarts: darkglare damage is reduced to 20.
- Demonology
- Developers note: Were targeting Demonologys multi-target profile with these adjustments to close the scope of the damage dealer. We will continue to monitor, with respect to the performance of single- and multi-target ages, along with the output of new talent and the adjustments delivered in 10.0.7, and make changes down the road if necessary.
- When realm restarts, Demonic Strength now increases the damage of Felstorm by 300% (was 400%). This doesn’t affect PT combat.
- [With real estate restarts], engrossment reaches 10% of all of the buildings that resurface. This doesn’t affect PvP combat.
The sword carries the keg.
- The Jade Serpent Temple is a Jade Serpent.
- Wise Mari
- Freezing Ice – The premordial stone, don’t disrupt any movement to wash Away casts.
- Wise Mari
- Zul’Gurub
- The responsibilities of the Cache of Madness event were reduced to 225.
- Brazier, Shattered Hakkari Bijou and Fragmented Hakkari Bijou are no longer eligible.
- Taking the Hakkari Warblades, the “Reborn” will be, now, to get everything from time to time, and not sever.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Brazier of Madness to be lootable before completing Relics of a Fallen Empire.
- Zul’Aman
- Fixed an issue which allowed Bijous and Coins to lose money in the instance.
A nanny and a nanny are all involved.
- Fael’lin
- Hellfire Walls will correctly display the cast bar now.
- Living Fuse does not target players’ pets anymore.
One has the item resemblance to other things.
- Fixed an issue where Primordial Stones put on enemies that you were not in war.
Players are different than any other player.
- Paladin
- [Live March 24] Crusaders reprimand healing for PvP combat by 50 p.m.
- Protection
- “Live March 24.” Judgment of Light healing reduced by 35 % in Protect Paladins during PvP combat.
- Retribution
- Developers note: Retribution Paladins have gotten overperforming in PvP lately with their recent 10.0.7 modifications. We focus on their burst damage, the passive survivability, and their talent that we feel contribute to too much total damage.
- [Live March 24]. Judgment of Light healing reduced by 35 % in PvP-fighting.
- [Live March 24] Inquisitors The impact of PvP combat is 40% reduced.
- [Live March 24] Fading Light effectiveness reduced by 50% for the retribution of Paladins in PvP combat.
- The word “justicars Vengeance” means 15% more damage to stunned targets in PvP combat.
- [Live March 24] Justicars Vengeance healing reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
- [Live March 24] Lifting of Dawn’s effectiveness will reduced by 25% against combat Paladins with PvP.
- [Live March 23:24] Divine Arbiter damage from the battle against PvP increased by 25% in combat with the GIV.
- [Live March 24th] The effectiveness of justice decreased by 25 percent in combat against PvP.
- [Live March 24] Empyrean Legacy increases the damage caused by Divine Storm by 25% on PvP combat.
- The Luminescence Act (Vomah’s Talent) increases the damage and regains healment by 2% (was 4 %).
- The Lawbringer (PvP Talent) is now offering two tiers of health (was four %).
- [Live March 24] Fixed an issue that caused Avenging Wraths 75% PvP multiplier to fail in order to retribution Paladins.
- Shaman
- Precognition won’t be activated more when players are successfully interrupted and are affected by the Tranquil Air Totem.
- “Brew For the Ages” should now correctly point to the Zskera-Vault door to find the recipe pages, if you haven’t yet unlocked that vault door.
The Lich King Classic was a very popular one.
- Fixed an issue where Val’anyr, the Hammer of ancients, was absorbing more than intended. Supposedly, the absorbent amounts have been fixed at 20 000 health.
- Developer’s note: The absorb shield from Val’anyr was always intended to have a cap of 20,000 health, but the script in the original Wrath of the Lich King version did not have a typo. The script was set the absorb amount to 200. Players never noticed this in World War II.
March 24, 2023
- Paladin
- Retribution
- Fixed a problem that causing Retribution Aura to sometimes fail to trigger.
- Retribution
- Warlock
- Fixed a issue where Demonic Inspiration still be applied after logging out and resurrending your demon.
- Demonology
- Fixed an issue where non-primary pets are susceptible to Demonic Inspiration.
Forbidden Reach
- Developers note: To find out how much it is available, the newly obtained bonus of an Elemental Overflow per rare elite in the Forbidden Reach has been changed to be awarded from the creature’s daily bonus objective quest. It should happen at the same time that the equivalent of the extra cash in first-time resuscitation would be awarded per firsttime bonus, but then it should be better communicated how often that extra cash is offered.
- The Morqut Hearth Totem is now charging $5 before the item is fully consumed.
- An issue where the quest for Primordial Answers was unintentionally sharable.
- Developers note that the quest for “Primordial Answers” wasn’t meant to be sharable and now is marked as such. Unfortunately, if you picked up the quest via a share, Yevva will not be in your vault, and the quest cannot be completed with her. You can again acquire this quest and complete it in a future vault, when she appears for you.
March 23, 2023.
- Fixed an issue where players didn’t show up too much on their character’s page.
- Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- Fixed a problem that caused a blind fury to use (Talent) to provide incorrect bonuses.
- Havoc
- Priest
- Holy
- Healing and damage to Divine Image should now be attributed right now to the Priest who summoned it.
- Holy
- Shaman
- Restoration
- Resolved the issue causing Swirling Currents to not benefit the Cloudburst Totem right away. The aura tooltip will be incorrect until next patch.
- Restoration
- Warlock
- Affliction
- Fixed an issue where the damage ticked on a application.
- Affliction
Goyle and karshs, and it’s a tidbit.
- Mythic+
- Spiteful Affix
- Fixed a situation in which Spiteful Shades would leave a silhouette after dying.
- Spiteful Affix
People like homosexuality and anti-gyma.
- Forbidden Reach
- The Bonesifter Marwak foundation is going to lose 20% of its bone mass.
- Fixed an issue in which some of the Furbolgs talks would have been incorrectly displayed.
The prize money is what it will be worth.
- Primordial Stones
- Cold Frost hit the bottom of a hole.
- Water Stone effect increased by 22 %.
- The blood sugar craving increased by 18 centigrade. A reduced trigger rate.
- The Echoing Thunder Stone effect increased to 12%.
- Turning the steam stone effect down by 25%.
- Flame Licked Stone effect increased by 12 %.
- The effect on freezing snows increased by two percent.
- Grallow Iron Stones increased by 12%.
- Humming the Arcane Stone – Fixed an issue that caused the issue to worsen.
- The inductable Earth-Stone effect increased by 12 %.
- Pestilent Plague Stone effect increased by 78%.
- The Raging Magma Stone effect increased by 12%.
- Smokey Stone effect increased by three-fourths.
- Shining Obsidian Stone increased by 12%.
- Storm Infused Stone effect rose to 34 %.
- Wild Spirit Stone was the biggest hit.
- Developers note that this is the intent of doing the same thing here, and then to the competitive level where the Humming Arcane Stone is performing. Although the Humming Arcane Stone was still the top performer, a portion of this level of performance can be attributed to a bug. With these changes we thought that combinations would be more viable in comparison, but not necessarily overtake it from being the best option. This extravagance has achieved a huge increase in the volume of effect stones.
- After finishing Human Heritage quest, the players left phased at the Lions Pride Inn.
Zskera Vaults
- When the chest has gotten lowered and looted, the chains to lower armpits have no longer come to appear erroneously.
- The Earth Cache, locked by a Runic Puzzle, should now work correctly.
- The creature who is murdered to make the promises of “Secure the Vault” on that week’s quest shouldn’t be respawned anymore.
March 22nd 2023.
- Paladin
- Retribution
- Fixed an issue that caused Aura of Reckoning not to function with the Crusading Strike talent.
- Retribution
- Warlock
- In spite of the damage caused by the fact that Demonic Inspiration’s pet bonus would be applied instead to the Warlock.
- Fixed a dispute involving the Warlock’s pet bonus of Wrathful Minion.
Dungeons and dungeons are carried by the enemy.
- Razorfen Kraul
- Fixed the problem that caused Overlord Ramtusk to sometimes inflict excessive damage to players when Timewalking.
- A spirit of the Jade Temple is a Serpent.
- A problem caused Liu Flameheart to attack the player after summoning Yu’lon.
There is an underpinning of humankind.
- Rare enemies in the Forbidden Reach have had their hit points increased.
- Veltrax now gives proper loot.
- Valdrakken
- If you opened all the vaults for the week, Zskera Vaults will auto-complete the objective to open a vault door now.
Zskera Vaults
- Players shouldn’t be able to enter the Zskera Vault while they raid the Vault. In case of a raid, Zskera Vault keys will not work on doors.
- If you did not earn the “Even Door, All Around, All At Once” award in the Zskera Vaults, please return your vaults before the reset, and it’s right for you.
March 21, 2023
- Druid
- Guardian
- Fixed an error causing Layered Mane and Reinvigoration to revert to previous values.
- Guardian
Emies and nPCs are an issue.
- Fixed an issue that could affect Mad-Eye Carrey’s ability to stay in his Captain’s duty buff, even though he’s crew was killed.
Player versus player clashes.
- Warlock
- Demonology
- Demonfire damage is now increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 75%).
- Demonology
The hotfix notes for the earlier patch can be foundhere.
Sources: Blizzard.