In the War Within, Xal’atath and Alleria Windrunner will have a unique rivalry. As a character, Xal’atath is relatively new – introduced first in Legion. While Alleria’s character is older even than Sylvanas, and was first introduced in Warcraft II, the expansion that she was properly reintroduced in was Legion as well. With The War Within on its way, it’s a good time to revisit their story.

But that can be easier said than done. World of Warcraft’s story is something that spans not only multiple expansions – but multiple games, novels, animated shorts, comics, audio dramas, and just thousands upon thousands of quests. How do you follow the thread of just one or two characters, in a way that lets you re-experience their stories for yourself? I hope that, at least in the case of Alleria and Xal’atath, this guide will help.

Xal’atath, Blade of the Black Empire

Meeting Xal’atath is easy. All that’s required is a Shadow Priest that’s level 10 or higher, and selecting the Legion storyline with Chromie Timewalking. The first thing you’re asked to do once reaching Dalaran is to select an artifact, and of course, that lets you choose Xal’atath.

Alonsus Faol, leader of the Priest Order Hall, tells us that he has been working with Moira Thaurissan to infiltrate the Twilight’s Hammer Cult. Reportedly, the cult’s newest leader, Twilight Deacon Farthing, possesses a powerful Old God relic, which he plans to use in some unholy ritual.

We are sent to investigate a Twilight Hammer camp that’s been set up in the mysterious Whispering Forest of Tirisfal Glades, where we find several notes detailing Farthing’s plans.

Beneath a nearby lake lies the tomb of Keeper Tyr, who sacrificed his life to bring down the Zakajz the Corruptor, a powerful C’Thrax. Zakajz was entombed along with Tyr, but now Farthing intends to resurrect the creature with the Black Blade called Xal’atath. The notes also mention a change in Farthing ever since he discovered Xal’atath – he is more arrogant and commanding, and he can sometimes be overheard speaking to someone, even when he is alone in his tent. He also speaks often of the glory of the Black Empire when it ruled over Azeroth, something that previous possessors of the Blade have spoken about at length themselves.

Inside the tomb, we meet one of Moira’s agents: Shadowlord Slaghammer, a Dark Iron dwarf who’s infiltrated the Twilight’s Hammer. He tells us that Xal’atath has been behind “some of the worst nightmares Azeroth has ever seen”, specifically naming the War of the Three Hammers and Grim Batol.

We fight our way to Twilight Deacon Farthing, who we find standing over the body of Zakajz and raving that the Blade was right, he is unstoppable, and will soon be more powerful than ever. We attack, and during the fight he argues petulantly with the Blade, demanding she protect him, but the Xal’atath has other plans.

Twilight Deacon Farthing yells: Defend me, Blade! You said this would work!
Twilight Deacon Farthing says: This… this shouldn’t be happening! Why aren’t you protecting me?!
Xal’atath, Blade of the Black Empire says: Weak and pitiful! The Twilight Father did not dare wield me, for he knew the price of failure.

Having already decided we will make a better wielder for the blade, Xal’atath abandons Farthing to his fate, then tells us to pick her up, claiming to have foreseen us doing great things together. As soon as we do, she begins her manipulations, convincing us to allow her to empower herself by consuming the essence of Zakajz… for the greater good, of course.

Xal’atath, Blade of the Black Empire says: Yes, we are eager to feast on the fallen titan’s minions. But first… Zakajz.
Xal’atath, Blade of the Black Empire says: The cultists may try to stir him again, or he could awaken on his own. We must consume his essence to ensure he is gone forever. You know this must be done.


Quest Order:
Priestly Matters
A Legend You Can Hold – Select Shadow – Xal’atath, Blade of the Black Empire
Blade in Twilight (Scenario)

Xal’atath’s Whispers & the Word of the Conclave

Once Xal’atath is in your possession, she’ll immediately start whispering to you as long as you kill things with her equipped, or have chosen her as your weapon transmog. Sometimes she just laughs. Examples of her general whispers:

Enjoy that?
Every little death helps.

For more specific whispers, try playing through Legion zones and dungeons.

Priests can also read legends about Xal’atath in the Word of the Conclave, found within their Order Hall:

An ancient and terrible force trembles deep within Xal’atath, Blade of the Black Empire. Though this dagger can serve as a powerful tool for those who wield shadow magic, tread cautiously.
Xal’atath has a mind of its own. Ignore its maddening whispers. Do not trust the lies it spins. Take from it what you need, but always remember that the dark presence in the blade is not your ally.

Xal’atath had its dark genesis in an age long before the Horde and the Alliance, an age when the legendary Old Gods and their Black Empire engulfed the world in shadow.
There are many theories concerning the blade’s creation. The more outlandish claim that it is all that remains of a forgotten Old God who was consumed by its kin in the early days of the Black Empire. Other theories state that Xal’atath is the claw of Y’Shaarj, ripped from the Old God’s monstrous form and bestowed upon its servants for use in ritual sacrifices.
As unbelievable as these theories are, perhaps there is truth to them, Xal’atath pulses with the foul essence of the Old Gods. It is even said that the blade can grant its owner visions of the Black Empire, but all who have looked upon such horrors have lost themselves to madness.

Mighty beings known as the titan-forged eventually defeated the Black Empire. They shackled the Old Gods and their minions in prisons beneath the earth. Harmony descended on Azeroth, but it was not to last.
Xal’atath made sure of that.
The blade remained in the world, passing from mortal hand to mortal hand and leaving only death and chaos in its wake. One of the unfortunate souls who took up Xal’atath was a troll named Zan’do. The ambitious witch doctor hailed from the mighty Gurubashi tribe. His rivals had ousted him from a position of power and prestige, and Zan’do spent his days nursing dreams of retribution.
It was a simple thing for Xal’atath to latch onto Zan’do’s anger and twist him into a pawn.

Guided by Xal’atath’s whispers, Zan’do and a handful of loyal witch doctors sought out a strange mound of blackened stone. Troll mystics had forbidden their people from disturbing this site, but Zan’do ignored the taboo. He believed the mound held great power–power he could use to defeat his rivals.
He and his followers would soon discover what the mound really was: the body of a slumbering servant of the Old Gods named Kith’ix.
Xal’atath urged Zan’do to make blood offerings to the creature. With his mind corrupted by the blade, the witch doctor did not hesitate. He dismembered some of his companions with the dagger, and then he used their blood and organs as reagents to awaken the monstrosity. In a final act, Zan’do buried his gore-stained dagger into Kith’ix’s hide… and the giant rumbled to life.
Zan’do and his followers were never seen again. Trolls would later visit the site and find only scattered bones picked clean of flesh.

After Kith’ix awakened, it brought the shadow of war upon Azeroth. The monstrous creature rallied other Old God minions to its side and launched a campaign to grind troll civilization into dust.
Unlike the trolls who had roused it, Kith’ix knew how to harness Xal’atath’s true potential. Calling on the blade’s power, the C’Thrax spread pestilence among the trolls to weaken their bodies, and it bombarded them with visions of death to weaken their minds.
Though the trolls would eventually destroy Kith’ix and defeat its armies, Xal’atath would haunt the dreams of the war’s survivors until the end of their days. Many tribes would recount legends about the black blade that had nearly driven them to extinction.

From chapter four of Modgud’s Doom, concerning the day the Dark Iron sorceress acquired Xal’atath:
“Modgud embraced her clan’s long history of studying arcane magic. As the wife of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan, she had first pick of the Dark Irons’ most powerful enchanted artifacts. Yet she was never quite satisfied with the offerings on hand. Modgud would often dispatch her servants to find new relics that she could study and use as instruments in the creation of spells.
“One of these dwarves returned with a blade that thrummed with dark energy. Modgud was immediately taken by it. For days, she retreated into her archives to unravel the dagger’s mysteries. At times, she could be seen talking to the weapon. When she later emerged, Modgud called for the dwarf who had brought the blade in order to thank him.
“No one could find him. No one could even remember his name or his face. It was as if he had simply vanished into thin air.”

From chapter twenty-three of Modgud’s Doom, concerning the battle between the Dark Iron clan and the Wildhammer clan in Grim Batol:
“War golems smashed through Grim Batol’s gates, and the Dark Iron soldiers poured into the Wildhammer capital. Bitter rivals these two clans were. Neither side showed the other mercy.
“The Wildhammer’s bravery was their greatest weapon, and Modgud sought to take that from them. Under the thunderous clash of hammer against axe, she screamed an incantation and wove her profane spellwork. She slid her enchanted dagger over her palm and let her blood spill onto the stones.
“Modgud’s foul ritual brought Grim Batol’s shadows to life. They sprang from the city’s dark nooks and crannies, falling upon the Wildhammers with blades forged of night.”

From chapter twenty-seven of Modgud’s Doom, recounting the final moments of the Dark Iron invasion of Grim Batol:
“By some feat of courage, Thane Khardros rallied his remaining Wildhammer warriors and launched a desperate counterattack against the Dark Irons. Khardros bulled through his enemies with the single-minded focus of a war golem, only coming to a stop when he found Modgud.
“Here, the fate of Wildhammer and Dark Iron would be decided.
“The sorceress unleashed her dark power on Khardros, but he pressed his attack. Then Modgud reached for her black blade-the weapon that had turned Grim Batol into a den of nightmare. It was not there.
“She had lost her cherished weapon. Or, as some would claim, the weapon has abandoned her.
“With one mighty blow of his hammer, Khardros mortally wounded Modgud and secured victory for the Wildhammers. It is said that as the sorceress lay dying, she repeated one phrase over and over again; ‘You promised…'”

Decades after Modgud lost Xal’atath, the blade was taken up by a human bishop named Natalie Seline. She had lived through the First War, when the orcish Horde invaded Azeroth and conquered Stormwind.
After the war, Seline realized that to defeat the green-skinned orcs, humanity would need to study the strange powers they wielded. She closely examined their magics, and she visited battle sites where their dark arts had befouled the land.
From her investigations, she learned of an otherworldly blade that the orcs had once used in their bloody rituals-a blade that held sway over the shadows themselves. Troubled that such a profane weapon could exist, Seline swore to hunt it down and destroy it in the name of the Light.

From The Secrets of the Void, by Natalie Seline:
“The moment I touched the blade, a name was spoken in my mind: Xal’atath. I knew then that I could not destroy the dagger. Not yet. How can one defeat a power she does not understand?
“And I had much to understand. Very much indeed. Xal’atath whispered to me in waking and in dreaming. It taught me that there is more to this world than Light. There is also Void.
“In the ebb and flow between these two forces, one can find power and knowledge beyond anything the Church of the Holy Light has ever revealed to us. One can cross the divide between Light and Void. One can pull strands from each side and weave a tapestry of day and night.
“Of course, there are consequences. There always are when walking in the shadows.”

By the time of the Second War, Natalie Seline had learned how to wield shadow magic from Xal’atath. She had taught her dangerous arts to other worshipers of the Light and rallied them against the Horde. Seline and her followers waged their war in secret, hunting down orcs across the human kingdoms.
Xal’atath continued whispering in Seline’s mind, slowly unraveling her sanity. Despite her noble intentions, she became more and more obsessed with the blade and the mysteries of the Void.
And so did Seline’s companions. They were overzealous in their campaign against the orcs, putting innocent lives at risk. Some strayed too far into shadow, forsaking the Light completely. Though Seline urged her followers to use caution, her calls were ignored and even treated with suspicion.
It is unclear exactly what happened to the former bishop, but some sources state that Xal’atath incited rebellion among her allies. It convinced them that Seline was holding them back from their true potential–holding back knowledge and power that they could have if they killed her.
In the dead of night, the conspirators murdered Seline and then took Xal’atath for themselves.

For years, the Kirin Tor magi in Dalaran had watched Natalie Seline, greatly troubled by her dark teachings. After her death, they set out to scour her writings from history. Magi picked through the villages and cities Seline had traveled, gathering up every scroll and tome that she had penned.
The Kirin Tor hid these writings in Dalaran, hoping that would be the end of Seline’s dangerous brand of magic. Yet despite their efforts, they could not bury the doctrine of balance she had preached. In the years to come, others would take up her teachings and devote themselves to the Light and the Void.
The magi also knew of Xal’atath, but they never found it. Like Seline’s teachings, the blade would not simply fade away.
It had more minds to twist, more pawns to use, and more innocents to terrorize.

A Thousand Years of War

Meeting Alleria is also easy, and it doesn’t even require playing Warcraft II. Before World of Warcraft even began, Alleria and her husband Turalyon had long disappeared through the Dark Portal. While we found other members of their party such as Khadgar in Outland during Burning Crusade, Alleria and Turalyon weren’t even heard of for years. They finally returned during Legion, starting with the audio drama A Thousand Years of War.

Sometime after the cataclysmic event that transformed Draenor into Outland, Alleria and Turalyon were contacted by the Army of Light, an organization led at the time by the naaru Xe’ra, dedicated to fighting against the Burning Legion. The two agreed to join the Army’s efforts, though it would mean not seeing their son, Arator, again for a very long time. They knew if the Legion was successful, Arator – along with all of Azeroth – would be doomed.

Turalyon went on to become infused with Light, empowering him, and gifting him with immortality. But after Alleria had an encounter with the Void, which granted her visions, she became fascinated with the power it offers. Lothraxion, a Light-infused Nathrezim, told her about Locus-Walker, a powerful master that uses the Void without being overcome by it. Alleria tried to convince Xe’ra to allow her to seek out this Locus-Walker, believing the Void could be used to help defeat the Legion, but was refused. However, Alleria continued to secretly pursue the vision the Void had granted her, which had shown her finding the darkness on Argus.

Part Two: The Emerald Star Part Three: Shadow and Light
After convincing Xe’ra to allow it, Alleria and Turalyon journeyed to Argus, where they were nearly overcome by demons. Realizing that the Light would not be able to save them, Alleria called on the Void to open a rift into the Twisting Nether, and act that saved their lives, but horrified Turalyon. Promising him she was not his enemy, Alleria sent Turalyon back to the Army of the Light, while she continued on her path to learn more about the Void.

Alleria was captured by the Legion and imprisoned on Argus, where she finally met Locus-Walker, who turned out to be an Ethereal. In time, the two managed to escape together to the realms of the Void. Here, Locus-Walker taught Alleria how to maintain her sanity while using the Void, and about the nature of Light and Shadow themselves. But when Alleria saw a vision of Turalyon nearly being killed by an assassin, she insisted on going to save him – defying Locus-Walker’s orders to do so.

In the end, Turalyon and Lothraxion pleaded for mercy for Alleria, and Xe’ra seemed willing to grant it – providing Alleria renounced the Void. When Alleria refused, Xe’ra had her imprisoned.

Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners

For the first hints of Alleria in Legion, you’ll need a Hunter who’s at least level 10 for Legion Timewalking. Once again, head straight to Dalaran and select an artifact: Alleria’s bow – Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners.

In this questline, Vereesa Windrunner has heard from a captured demon that her older sister, Alleria, is being held on the Legion world Niskara. Vereesa enlists us for a rescue mission, which she claims is motivated only by the knowledge that Alleria would make a powerful ally against the Legion.

Vereesa Windrunner says: This might be our only chance to save my… to retrieve a valuable ally.

We don’t find Alleria – who of course escaped with Locus-Walker – but we do find her bow, Thas’dorah – proof that this is, indeed, the world where Alleria and Locus-Walker were held captive.


Quest Order:
Needs of the Hunters
The Hunter’s Call
Weapons of Legend – Select Marksmanship – Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners
Rendezvous with the Courier
Call of the Marksman
Clandestine Operation / Clandestine Operation
Rescue Mission (Scenario)
Hunter to Hunter

Shadows of Argus

Alleria finally makes her appearance during Legion’s Argus storyline, which only becomes available at level 45. Ideally, you’ll want to use your Shadow Priest to play through these quests – for those sweet Xal’atath whispers – but it’s not essential.

Note: If you do decide to follow the Argus storyline in Legion Chromie Time, remember that leaving Chromie Time will cap things at level 45 and make certain quests easier to complete. Do this to solo the objectives for quests like Where They Least Expect It and Seat of the Triumvirate: The Crest of Knowledge, then return to Legion Chromie Time to turn the quests in.

Our journey begins with the Vindicaar, a vessel that will take us to Argus, where we plan to meet the same Army of the Light that Turalyon is a part of. When we arrive, we witness disaster – the Legion shooting down the Xenedar, the Army of the Light’s main ship. During our search for survivors, we finally meet Turalyon, and are soon even joined by Alleria – apparently freed from her imprisonment – and we get to witness the two finally reunite with their son, Arator.

Arator the Redeemer says: But… couldn’t you have reached out to us? To your people? To me?
High Exarch Turalyon says: Arator… not a day passed that your mother and I didn’t–
Alleria Windrunner says: Every choice we made was to keep you safe. It broke our hearts to be apart from you.

We soon learn Alleria’s freedom is not because Xe’ra had a change of heart. In fact, while Alleria helps rescue Xe’ra from the fallen Xenedar, she voices a concern that the naaru might simply have her imprisoned again. Turalyon, on the other hand, seems sure Xe’ra will finally recognize Alleria is an ally rather than a threat.

As it turns out, Alleria needn’t have worried. As soon as Xe’ra is well and safe in the Vindicaar, the naaru attempts to force the Light’s will on Illidan – a fatal decision, as it turns out. While breaking out of her bonds, Illidan destroys Xe’ra, and afterwards accuses a distraught Turalyon of being blinded by faith.

Turalyon doesn’t really get time to argue – the threat of the Legion is too great. In time, Velen realizes we will need more power if we have any hope of surviving, and we begin to collect pieces of the Crown of Triumvirate, a powerful eredar artifact. In time, we learn that one of these pieces, the Crest of Knowledge, can be found in the Seat of the Triumvirate on Eredath. Alleria, who has been scouting the area around the Seat, takes the lead.

The naaru L’ura, who stayed behind when Velen and his followers fled Eradeth long ago, has since gone dark, and Alleria has discovered it’s now a beacon of Void energy, calling to any who would want to claim its power. The area is overrun with Void-addled krokul, as well as a faction of Void-aligned ethereum.

On Eredath, Alleria reunites with Locus-Walker, who has journeyed to the area to see what his people are up to. At first, things are tense. Locus-Walker sems almost hurt that Alleria left his tutelage before, and questions her devotion to her path – especially with someone like Turalyon at her side. Alleria counters that, without Light, there can be no Shadow.

In the end, Locus-Walker agrees to resume her lessons. Under his guidance, Alleria consumes the heart of a Void revenant – a demi-god – massively increasing her powers. Afterwards, she is ready to enter the Seat of the Triumvirate.


Quest Order:

1. The Hand of Fate / The Hand of Fate
2. Two If By Sea / Two If By Sea
3.Light’s Exodus
4.The Vindicaar
5.Into the Night Cutscene: The Battle for Argus
6.Alone in the Abyss
7.Righteous Fury 8.Overwhelming Power 9.A Stranger’s Plea


11.Sign of Resistance

12.The Prophet’s Gambit


14.From Darkness

15.Prisoners No More 16.Threat Reduction

17.A Strike at the Heart

18.Return to the Vindicaar

19.A Moment of Respite

20.Gathering Light

21.Crystals Not Included 22.A Grim Equation 23.The Best Prevention

24.Fire at Will

25.Locating the Longshot

26.Bringing the Big Guns Cutscene: Activate Light’s Judgement

27.Lightly Roasted

28.The Light Mother

29.Light’s Return

30.The Child of Light and Shadow Cutscene: The Fate of Xe’ra

31.Essence of the Light Mother 32.The Vindicaar Matrix Core

33.An Offering of Light

34.The Burning Heart

35.Securing a Foothold

36.Reinforce Light’s Purchase ◄—► 37.Reinforce the Veiled Den
¦ ¦
38.Sizing Up The Opposition –––––––––––––––┘

1.The Speaker Calls
2.Visions of Torment Cutscene: Aggramar’s Rise
3.Dire News
4.Storming the Citadel
5.Scars of the Past 6.Preventive Measures 7.Chaos Theory

8.Dark Machinations 9.A Touch of Fel 10.Heralds of Apocalypse

11.Dawn of Justice

12.Lord of the Spire Cutscene: Aggramar’s Arrival

13.Forming a Bond

14.A Floating Ruin

15.Eredath, Jewel of Argus Cutscene: Velen’s Flashback – Escape from Argus

16.Defenseless and Afraid 17.Khazaduum, First of His Name

18.Consecrating Ground

19.The Path Forward

20.Not-So-Humble Beginnings

21.Conservation of Magic 22.Invasive Species

23.The Longest Vigil

24.Gatekeeper’s Challenge: Tenacity 25.Gatekeeper’s Challenge: Cunning 26.Gatekeeper’s Challenge: Mastery

27.The Defiler’s Legacy

28.The Sigil of Awakening

1.Where They Least Expect It
2.We Have a Problem
3.A Non-Prophet Organization 4.Wrath of the Hight Exarch 5.Overt Ops
6.Flanking Maneuvers 7.Talgath’s Forces

8.What Might Have Been Cutscene: Velen’s Flashback – The Triumvirate’s Decision

9.Across the Universe

10.Shadow of the Triumvirate

11.The Seat of the Triumvirate Cutscene: Alleria Peers into the Void

12.Whispers from Oronaar 13.Arkhaan’s Prayers

14.The Pulsing Madness 15.Arkhaan’s Pain

16.Arkhaan’s Plan

17.Arkhaan’s Peril

18.Throwing Shade

19.Sources of Darkness 20.The Shadowguard Incursion

21.A Vessel Made Ready

22.A Beacon in the Dark
23.An Offering of Shadow 24.Seat of the Triumvirate: The Crest of Knowledge
Cutscenes: Reincarnation of Alleria
The Vindicaar Turns Gold

Seat of the Triumvirate

The Argus questline culminates in the Seat of the Triumbirate dungeon, but you don’t need to have the Seat of the Triumvirate: The Crest of Knowledge quest to witness one of Alleria’s most important moments in-game. This dungeon can be solo’d from about level 50 on (providing you’re not in Legion Chromie Time) and the entrance can be found at /way Eredath 22.3, 56.1. As before, if you want to hear Xal’atath’s whispers, you’ll want to do this with a Priest that’s wielding the artifact or using its appearance as transmog.

The final boss of this dungeon is L’ura, the dark naaru that has been acting as a beacon of the Void.

Alleria Windrunner: Such chaos… such anguish. I have never sensed anything like it before.
Locus-Walker: It is rare that a naaru falls into the Void this way. The few cases I know of have occurred when mortals were involved. What fascinating implications…

In the end, after we defeat L’ura, Alleria absorbs the dark naaru’s essence, transforming into a Void state.

Thanks to Locus-Walker’s teachings, she remains fully in control over the Void, though the whispers from the Void are louder than ever before. A whisper from Xal’atath suggests she, at least, believes Alleria will fall to the Void.

Locus Walker: You survived… interesting! How do you feel?
Alleria Windrunner: The voices are louder now. More insistent. But they do not control me.
Locus Walker: You asked me to teach you to use the Void as a weapon. Now that weapon is you.
Alleria Windrunner: It seems my training is complete.
Locus Walker: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We need to test the limits of this newfound power. Come.
Xal’atath whispers: The caterpillar has become the butterfly. She is all but ours now.

For players who do complete the Argus questline, Alleria can be found back in the Xenedar afterwards, looking back to her old self. She’ll explain that the transformation we witnessed before is something she can control, and call on at will.

The transformation you witnessed is under my control, to be used when I see fit. I am the same person I was… and yet, something more.
The use of such power makes some… uneasy. But shadow is a force to be harnessed, not feared.
As with any weapon. one must maintain constant control when wielding it.

Three Sisters

Now closer to the Void than ever, the effect this has on Alleria’s relationships and mental state can best be witnessed in the comic Three Sisters. Here, we see how the Void’s whispers plague Alleria constantly, trying to convince her to kill Turalyon, to seize the throne of Silvermoon as her own, and to kill Sylvanas.

The Void tells Alleria that Sylvanas serves “the true enemy” – though we didn’t know it at the time, this was a reference to the Jailer, who Sylvanas had chosen to follow by this point. This suggests the Void views the Jailer – and, (presumably) by extension, the Cosmic force of Death – as an enemy, hostile to its own ambitions. Of course, it could just be part of the fact that the whispers Alleria hears try to convince her to murder her loved ones in general – no doubt because an act like that would break her and finally weaken her mind enough for the Void to completely take over.

Xal’atath in Battle for Azeroth – A Deal With N’Zoth

Next, it’s time to catch up once again with Xal’atath. At the end of Legion, Xal’atath – along with the other artifact weapons – was used to purge the sword of Sargeras of its dark corruption, to stop it from poisoning the lifeblood of Azeroth. This drained the blade of most of its power, but the entity within Xal’atath remained, and during Battle for Azeroth, we helped her escape.

To witness the next part of this questline, players will want to participate in the Battle for Azeroth world quest Naga Attack!. During this quest, one of the Naga should drop an item that begins The Azsharan Medallion – providing you haven’t already completed this quest on that character. Once again, this might be worth doing on your Priest.

After finding the medallion, we bring it to the Tortollan Collector Kojo, who tells us the dagger Xal’atath may be used to gain insights into the Naga’s plans. Xal’atath is in a bad way, and tells us she needs blood if she’s to be revived. Once we’ve helped her recover somewhat, Xal’atath tells us that the Naga are searching for three powerful Void artifacts, which they intend to use to summon a great storm. She suggests we find the artifacts first.

We find the first artifact – a Void Stone – in possession of a High Elf named Inanis. When we kill the elf, Xal’atath harnesses the power of the artifact to enable her to possess Inanis’s now-absent body, providing Xal’atath with the form we recognize today.

Xal’atath says: Yes. YES. It’s been so long since I took a mortal form. This body is pleasing… don’t you think?

We help Xal’atath obtain the other two artifacts – a Tridant, which we find on the body of a pirate, and a crown, which we retrieve from a Makrura. Finally, we meet Xal’atath outside the Crucible of Storms, where she claims the Naga planned to summon their great storm.

Now fully corporeal, Xal’atath tells us not to be afraid and has us help her with a ritual that summons N’Zoth, trading both us and the blade in exchange for her freedom. From this point forward, the entity within the Black Blade of the Empire is free, no longer bound within the artifact. It’s worth noting that N’Zoth’s ability to free her futher suggests that he had a part in her imprisonment in the first place, somewhat confirming the story that Xal’atath was once betrayed and imprisoned by her fellow Old Gods.

Xal’atath says: Hear me, God of the Deep! I have brought you the Opener… the Bringer of Truths… the Torch That Lights the Way!
Xal’atath says: Honor our bargain… free me to find my own fate!
N’Zoth says: Go… but the blade must remain… to serve my will.
Xal’atath says: A fair exchange. Shadows guide you, my dear friend.
Xal’atath says: We will meet again… I am certain of it.
N’Zoth says: I have dreamed your destiny, mortal.
N’Zoth says: The hour is close at hand.
N’Zoth says: That which was sunken shall rise.
N’Zoth says: All that were sleeping… shall be awakened.
N’Zoth says: Receive my gift and see all truths before you.


Quest Order:
The Azsharan Medallion / The Azsharan Medallion
Orders from Azshara / Orders from Azshara
Every Little Death Helps / Every Little Death Helps
Unintended Consequences
The Pirate’s Treasure
The Tempest Crown
Twist the Knife / Twist the Knife

Alleria’s Horrific Vision of Stormwind

Ever since absorbing the essence of a dark naaru, Alleria’s been plagued by whispers from the Void. While she has kept them at bay so far, a glimpse at the sort of visions Alleria is shown can be witnessed during one of Battle for Azeroth’s Horrific Visions of Stormwind.

Image of Wrathion says: Stormwind City. A bastion of the Holy Light, now fallen to the Void. A staging ground for N’Zoth’s armies.
Image of Wrathion says: Obeying the whispers in her mind, Alleria Windrunner forces all to submit to the Old God… or be purged.

Here, we see a version of Alleria where she has been fully taken over by corruption, has fully given herself over to the Void, and has turned even on her loved ones.

High Exarch Turalyon says: Please… Save my son…
Arator the Redeemer yells: Mother… do not listen to the whispers!
Alleria Windrunner yells: I have ignored them for too long. They speak the truth, Arator. And you will hear them. I will make you hear them.
Arator the Redeemer yells: No! I will never–aah!
Alleria Windrunner yells: The Light could not save them, and it will not save you!
Alleria Windrunner yells: What… have I… done…

This is the future Alleria fears – one where she would kill both her husband, Turalyon, and even their son, Arator. But while Xal’atath believes Alleria will one day belong fully to the Void, Alleria is determined this future will never come to pass. When the two face each other in the War Within, it’s safe to assume the battle will be, in part, for Alleria’s own soul.

Xal’atath in Dragonflight

Xal’atath is present almost throughout Dragonflight, but fittingly, only as a whisper and a hint here and there. In the Forbidden Reach, at /way 71.04 67.26, the book A Song of the Depths can be found, which mentions “The Harbinger”, who we now know is Xal’atath, and the fact that she is working with the “Children of the First Flesh” – the Nerubians.

Even now, the Harbinger gathers the children of the first flesh to reclaim what was lost. They must remember their vows and serve those to whom they owe fealty.

The Harbinger speaks of a primal power that seeks the end of Order. Such rage can be bent to serve our ends.
A hunger lost to the ages will be reclaimed.
A dark heart left broken awaits the taking.
When these things come to pass, the Harbinger will fulfill the final prophecy and complete the awakening.

In the Dawn of the Infinite dungeon, we witness Iridikron fulfill the first part of the prophecy – he claims the essence of Galakrond, naming it “a hunger lost to the ages”, with the Dark Heart – a relic that resembles the Demon Soul and Heart of Azeroth, yet clearly filled with the power of the Void. As Iridikron leaves through a Void portal, we catch a glimpse of Xal’atath standing next to him.

Iridikron: Your faith means nothing to them. As you burn in the flames of my brother’s wrath, they will not come. All they wanted was our world. With this, the Harbinger will pry it from their grasp. And when the Titans come to reclaim their prize, I will be waiting.

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