Phase 4 “Fall of the Lich King” Overview

With this change, Titansteel Bar, Moonshroud, Spellweave, and Ebonweave no longer have a cooldown or location requirement. However, the cloth cooldowns also no longer give you their personal buffs when crafting.

This change was originally introduced in Patch 3.3.3, so it makes sense for it to happen with Phase 4. Note that other profession cooldowns, like Alchemy Transmutes, still exist.

Patch 3.3.3 Notes

  • Mining
    Titansteel Bar: Creating this item no longer results in a cooldown. If this ability is on cooldown when the patch is applied, players must wait for the cooldown to expire naturally before it is permanently removed.


  • The cooldown and location requirements have been removed from creating Moonshroud, Spellweave, and Ebonweave. If any of these abilities are on cooldown when the patch is applied, players must wait for the cooldowns to expire naturally before they are permanently removed.

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