The recent Blue Dragonflight questline includes several references to Legion. Zeros and Emmigosa are nearly grown up now, but they were once helpless whelplings in need of our rescue – and Senegos remembers the sacrifice of Runas, once shamed but later redeemed!


Part of the new Blue Dragonflight questline involves visiting various areas in Azeroth to find out why certain Blue Dragons haven’t yet answered the call to return to the Dragon Isles. During one of these chapters, we visit Booty Bay in search of Zeros – a dragon we first met when he was a whelp in Azsuna!

While preparing to visit Zeros, Senegos – a blue dragon who was first introduced in Legion as “the oldest non-Aspect dragon alive” – shows us something he read about Zeros in “the Booty Bay Journal”, a gossip rag Senegos apparently enjoys.

Crystals Schmystals! Don’t Fall For This Scam
A Report By Anonymous Contributor
Magical blue crystals? They certainly exist, but not in Booty Bay. After a thorough examination, I formally declare these crystals to be as worthy as reused glass.
All crystals have been taken off the local auction house so that the credibility of our sellers may be preserved. Although it may be too late for Zeros, the primary seller of these crystals. You’ll have to believe me when I say that a trusted source told me Zeros took a loan from the Baron himself for this investment.
Let’s hope that Zeros is the first and last victim of this scam.

Senegos also mentions Zeros’s history – once the captive of an evil mage who hated all blue dragons. That mage was Normantis, who players may remember from Borean Tundra quests focused on the Nexus War. In one infamous quest, Normantis wants to get information from a mage hunter – mages who sided with the Blue Dragonflight during the Nexus War – but as a member of the Kirin Tor he is forbidden from using torture, so he gets the player to torture the mage instead.

By Legion, Normantis had been kicked out of the Kirin Tor and could be found hiding out in Azsuna in the Lair of the Deposed, where he held Zeros – still a whelpling – captive. Players were able to free Zeros by defeating Normantis.

Since then it seems Zeros has discovered a taste for goldmaking and has settled in Booty Bay.

Despite his youth, Zeros’s chosen visage form is of an elderly gnome – he explains he hoped it would help with his business dealings.

Senegos says: And you are a blue dragon. Albeit a young one.
Zeros says: Shh! I took on a more mature visage form to do business. Please, don’t blow my cover!


When reading the clipping Senegos shows us from the Booty Bay Journal, we also have an opportunity to flip through Senegos’s own diary, where he talks about meeting a pleasant mage who “Emmigosa particularly favored”. Emmigosa is, of course, another whelpling that we rescued in Azsuna, Senegos’s great-great-great-great-great granddaughter, who has since journeyed to the Dragon Isles. Her chosen visage form is that of a troll.

<The page fills with blue inky swirls.>
Met a pleasant mage today. Had quite the magical potential. I would have offered to mentor her if times were different. She was very energetic, and Emmigosa particularly favored her presence.
We had a very successful encounter against the withered. The mage left us shortly after. She looked particularly troubled any time we were fighting the withered.
It was as though there were more than just pity there. As if she felt that she could have been one of them, were her magical upbringing less fortunate.

Runas the Shamed

Players can keep flipping through the pages of Senegos’s magical tome, where he goes on to talk about the time he almost died in Azsuna.

The journal also mentions Runas, an exiled Nightborne who players met after he had begun to grow desperate in his hunger. Though Runas eventually succumbed and became withered, he dedicated the last hours of his life to helping the Blue Dragonflight in Azsuna, and his sacrifice helped save Senegos.

<The page fills with blue inky swirls.>
I am uncertain if I will see the light of the day tomorrow. I have accepted this, and am saying my goodbyes.
The withered are motivated by something far stronger and primal than anyone could have imagined. Their… hunger is a force to be reckoned with.
I never did get to see the Dragon Isles again.
<Flip to a random page further in the tome.>
<The page fills with blue inky swirls.>
For you, Runas. The journal entry for today is just–for you.
Thank you.
<Flip to a random page further in the tome.>
<The page fills with blue inky swirls.>
Well, this is awkward. I seem to have survived every moment in which I predicted certain death.
I have been trying to reach out to Kalecgos, our new Aspect. None of my calls have been returned. I understand he is needed everywhere, but surely he values the wisdom of one such as myself.
Alas. He is young and perpetually busy, like all the rest of them. When you have my years, you remember what really matters far more frequently.
Perhaps I will try to call him again tonight.
<Flip to a random page further in the tome.>
<The page fills with blue inky swirls.>
Well. It certainly has been a turbulent few years, has it not? Yet here I am, back in the Dragon Isles. It has changed, and is still changing, but it is home. I know it in my bones.
Let us see what adventures await me. Until the very end.

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