Hello! Welcome to the 306th edition of the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up!

This week we discuss further about all the ways you can make gold in Season of Discovery and how the economy itself is so unique due to the level cap. We also talk about the bot issues and various farms in SoD. In retail, we have a great guide on how to maximize fishing to make some low key gold without having to move!

My name is Samadan and I’ll be your guide through the World of Gold Making!

Season of Gold Making

Season of Discovery has been incredibly popular of late and there are many people focused on the economy of the game. It’s a very interesting development and completely different to Hardcore which saw very limited gold slowly increasing over time. We have seen many rush to the current cap and then focus on BoE’s to min/max their characters.

Bots have been quite an issue as gold is still limited, so in high demand, thankfully the Blizzard team are aware and doing what they can to mitigate RMT.

With that said, Manthieus has a great video talking about how interesting the economy is due to the level cap and short burst of income players get once hitting max level.

It’s well worth a watch if nothing else than for his excellent MSPaint Graph explaining the economy..

What this means basically is that once players hit max level, they can continue to do quests for a gold reward rather than the xp they would normally get. This artificially raises the perception of “richness” so players go out to buy BoEs, but then the quests run out and players must resort to traditional methods.

Beginners Guide to SoD GoldFarming

Those traditional methods for gold making I mentioned above are well documented and u/Ok-Present-6996 has put together a great guide highlighting some of the methods..

I want to preface this by saying that this is a beginners’ gold guide. There are plenty ways to make gold and these are a few of the ways to get started.

All of these gold farms have been found throughout Youtube/Reddit and other sources. I just put them all in one place. Links at bottom.

Useful Addons: GatherMate2. Auctionator/Auctioneer/TSM. ClassicVendorPrice

Most basic farms

Complete quests at max level. Just like in any other version of WoW, completing quests at max level rewards more gold. This is an easy way to hit 20+ gold fairly quickly. The tradeoff however is not having these quests available when it’s time to level for phase 2.

Skinning/Mining/Herbalism while leveling. Easy way to make some spare gold with minimum effort required.

Selling quest items. There’s a few quests which require basic white items dropping off of mobs. (Redridge Goulash). Farm them and sell them!

Fishing, Iron Bound Trunk/Mithril Bound Trunk. These contain items/materials that are not obtainable in any other way than through fishing right now, such as greens with a higher vendor value, mageweave cloth etc. Link to locations at bottom.


Tailoring/Blacksmithing/Leatherworking. Bags are in high demand. Greens/blues with good stats are in high demand. Have a look at your servers auction house to see what is worth crafting. Browse through the different BiS-lists for the classes and pick a profession with items you find there.

Enchanting. Enchanting materials has a high value. You can either have this profession solely for disenchanting items and selling the mats, or sell the enchants yourself. Have a look at what enchants are the best for each class and advertise your services.

Alchemy. This obviously goes hand in hand with herbalism. Everyone will need potions and elixirs. Either buy the herbs off of the AH, or go out and farm them yourself. Easy profit!


Quest items, ’secret runes’. (https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/secret-rune-vendor-found-in-ratchet-season-of-discovery-336527)

To be able to purchase these runes you must complete three turn-ins.

24 Fish Oil, 20 Dark Iron Ordinance, 16 Shredder Turbocharger.

The Fish Oil is easily farmed in Wetlands right outside Menethil Harbor. Just kill murlocs. The murlocs also drops Iridescent Pearls, which sells for quite a bit.

The Dark Iron Ordinance drops from Dark Iron Dwarves, elites in Northern Wetlands. These are obtainable in a raidgroup and the drops seem to be personal, meaning everyone in the group can loot them.

The Shredded Turbocharger is an item you harvest from Shredder-mobs using an engineering item. Guide at bottom.

Mage AoE farming. Mages has great AoE utility and can farm mobs faster than any other class. Using this to your advantage you can farm a ton of cloth and greens. Link to 1 of the spots at bottom.

Humbert’s Helm. This is a leather headpiece sought after by all agility-wearers. It is pre-raid Best in Slot and goes for quite some gold. They drop off of elite mobs in southern Hillsbrad Foothills. Link at bottom.

Selling quest items: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8b3VbN7KbE&t=1s

Fishing for trunks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6HgLrSlxpQ

Mage AoE spot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_Tat6bh9KI&t=1s

Secret Runes Items: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/secret-rune-vendor-found-in-ratchet-season-of-discovery-336527

Humbert’s Helm Spot: Dun Garok Rifleman

It’s a great guide with plenty of suggestions to suit your flavour of gold making. u/Budnoob makes a good point about the rampant bot issues and a few specific items they have found profitable…

been through a depressing barrens run on crusader strike eu – stop wasting your time farming gold. theres more botters than players. do /who shadowfang 16 – bot rogues farming chests. check hunters and mages in barrens during night time(less actual players to get them confused with) watch them behave 2 minutes and report – just to see them next night again(or add to your fl)

best way to earn money right now is to hit 25 asap, get some quests done at maxlevel to build 10-15g capital and then buy botted commodities in high volume turning them into crafted BIS gear, consumables.

i have made about 300g profit yesterday turning leather into medium and heavy leather and selling it either raw or as heavy armor kits and medium leather crafts. they get ripped out of your hand so fast its incredible.

Elixir of Coalesced Regret recipie for 2-5g and just buy botted mats in ah – sell each pot for 2-4g profit in ah – selling about 30 a day with minimal effort.

buy botted linen cloth in insanse volume, turn into soft soled linen boots disenchant and do greater magic wand vendor shuffles – this alone is so profitable, the leftover dust and shards are just the cherry on top.

humberts helm is not worth your time at all. its on our auctionhouse 3 times for 65g(theyre not being sold for 3 days now) and i offered each trader 5g because it simply isnt worth it. the raid is so easy youll get your headpiece from that in no time, you have 2 chances a week. no problem

during darkmoonfare stand at the vendors and buy rank 2 str/agi scrolls for 3s, sell them in ah for 60s.

tl:dr – dont farm, bots are already rampart and its not worth your time farming yourself. do maxlevel quest – build capital – profit off the bots. you may not like it but thats the sad reality nowadays

Let’s hope the bots issue continues to get addressed and everyone can have fun in this new game mode.

Warcraft Champion has a great video talking about some good farms and how to use a nifty addon KiwiFarm

Dragonflight Fishing Guide

Fishing is such a relaxing passtime in WoW. It’s great to do while either waiting for something else in the game (such as queues for dungeons/PVP) or while watching a movie on the main screen. It may not be the most efficient way to make gold, but it’s relaxing and requires minimal movement.

u/ThePlotTwisterr has put together a great guide as to how to maximize this secondary profession…

Hi all, this is a guide on how to make decent money fishing in Dragonflight. So far I have made over 1m gold just fishing in between Solo Shuffle queues. SO, the first thing we need to understand is stats.

Fishing Skill:

Higher fishing level does make a difference in what you catch. At BiS, we should have 182 fishing in the Dragon Isles, which is almost double the normal cap.


We will be aiming for 22% perception (or 200 + 20 from Evoker passive). It won’t make a huge difference to what you catch, but it is still a very important stat as it will increase your fishing income significantly. It will grant us a 22% chance to gain extra Coins of the Isles whenever we catch one, which are one of our main goldmakers.

Islefin Dorado Lure:

This makes a difference only in pools without large loot tables. More on this in the next paragraph.


You may assume we want to go Ice Fishing or fish at the River Holes. You’d be wrong. I’m not sure how Blizzard f***d up their spaghetti code like this, but your stats and lures make a much larger difference in pools with smaller loot tables. Most fishing waters have a massive loot table of junk, which seems to really lower the amount of profitable casts you make.

We want to fish in the Dragonscale Basecamp in Waking Shores. This little area here has zero junk in the loot table, and all of the things we want for some reason.

Money Makers:

First of all, most fish are irrelevant to us. The ones we want are:

Islefin Dorado

These are selling for almost 200g a pop on some nights, and you can fish a lot of them quickly here. This is your MAIN money maker

Draconic Recipe in a Bottle

This is our second main money maker. It contains various Dragon Isles recipes which can sell for over 10k gold each on the AH.

Soggy Clump of Darkmoon Cards

These are nice to get but not really a huge focus for us.

Gold Coin of the Isles

These are very rare but big money makers. They can be exchanged for an Immaculate Bag of Treasures from the fishing vendor, which can contain even rarer recipes than the bottles and sell for over 20k each, and they almost always contain a bottle aswell.

Silver Coin of the Isles

These are what we want to be focusing on. The bags that are bought with these usually contain bottles, which is what we are really after. It’s a waste to spend your Silver Coins on a Gold Coin unless you want the Otto mount, the Silver Coin bags are the most optimal since they are not hard to obtain and you can obtain many of them in one session.

Copper Coin of the Isles

Use these to buy Silver Coins.

Race, Consumables, and Gear

First of all, we want to do this on an Evoker for the 2% Perception bonus.

The gear we want is:

Nat’s Drinking Hat (+8) or DF Fishing Hat (+6)

Khaz’gorite Fishing Pole (+15 skill, +110 Perception)

Boots of the Bay (+10)

Random <50ilvl gloves with Enchant Gloves – Angler (+5)

Enchant Tool – Draconic Perception (+40 perception on pole)

Sharpened Tuskarr Spear (+5)

The consumables we want are:

Kalu’ak Figurine (+15)

Scalebelly Mackerel (+5)

Captain Rumsey’s Lager (+5)

Trawler Totem Toy (+4)

Heat-Treated Spinning Lure (+10, unnecessary if using Nat’s Drinking Hat)

Islefin Dorado Lure

Crystalline Phial of Perception (+50 perception)

Oversized Bobber (makes it easier to click)

This will bring us to 22% Perception, 182 fishing skill if we keep our buffs up. Having this high fishing level in a pool with a tiny loot table like the Dragonscale Basecamp seems very overpowered, I’m not sure how the math there works..

Finally, since the items are all current content, the items all sell relatively quickly so you can see a lot of gold come in without waiting months for auctions to sell.

You can also further maximize you convenience of clicks with the addon BetterFishing

It’s well worth a go even if you don’t have all the equipment and racials, simply as a passtime to make some gold without needing to be so active with World Quests and Dragon Racing.

Further Reading

Most of this information was discussed and originally posted on the /r/woweconomy subreddit or in the accompanying Discord Server.

I hope you found this useful and If you have any suggestions or feedback, please do say so in the comments below..

Until next time, Happy Goldmaking!


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