A call to Arms with an alternative animation/illustration i’ve been working on.
[Open subtitles for the latin lyrics.]
HQ Image here: [ http://i.imgur.com/K3sEjQY.jpg ]



  1. ngl alliance music > horde music.
    horde only get a few cool tracks, like Forest Ambush and the Thunderbluff Theme.
    meanwhile alliance got the stormwind theme song, all sorts of cool nelf and dwarf tracks, and this one is obviously aimed at alliance too since the beginning of it is literally the theme played when Arthas enters Lordaeron to you-know-what in that one cinematic.

  2. Но эта музыка впервые была представлена в синиматике Warcraft 3, а Тирион тут мне кажется нипричëм

  3. You should always give negative feedback if there is any.
    If you never mentioned that there was something bad, they would just think its fine or good and build more on rotten foundation

  4. Now that we have the game full of furrys, belf variants, and those queer pseudodragons. Full of orcs followers of the Light, "sneaky tauren", death knight pandas and chaman humans…
    I remember simpler times, an orc warrior with two axes and prepared to reunite with his ancestors, a human soldier shield and sword in hand, with his faith put in the Light

  5. Doesn´t matter how bad or boring the Game has become, or how far it has stepped away from its Core/Lore

    This Music always fills me with so much nostalgia and wonderfull memories of my time in Azeroth


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