Dreaming Crests are the new rank of currency and crafted material in Season 3.

Like Season 2, each piece of crafted gear requires an Enchanted Crest made by Enchanters through the work order system, however because your own crests are now a currency which cannot be transferred to other players, there’s now a Nascent Crest reagent needed to craft each level of enchanted crest. While this may sound more complicated, it’s quite simple in practice and the Nascent Crests are simply sold by vendors in Valdrakken and other Dragonflight zones.

Andoris <Enchanting Supplies>

For example, crafting the highest level level Enchanted Aspect’s Dreaming Crest requires five reagents:

From there, it works exactly like crafting in Season 2. Tag your favorite enchanter and open a work order for a Enchanted Aspect’s Dreaming Crest, then combine the resulting Enchanted Aspect’s Dreaming Crest to craft your desired piece of gear or create a work order to have it made for you!

Predictably, each of the three levels of Enchanted Crest have a similarly associated Nascent Crest, all purchased from the same Enchanting Supplies vendor.

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