The Orc Heritage Armor questline revolves around recreating the ancient Draenor tradition of Kosh’harg for Azeroth. During this festival, all the orcish clans put aside any rivalries to meet in peace for a grand celebration and feast. This questline features notable orcs from all over World of Warcraft’s history, many of which have something unique to say!

During the feast, Orcs are grouped up at different tables – often based on clan. Most representatives of the Dragonmaw seem uneasy, aware of the weight of their clan’s terrible legacy, but a new leader, and Kolgar Flameguard’s presence, hints at a chance for redemption.

Before the Feast

Of all Orcish clans, the Dragonmaw have one of the darkest histories. During the Second War, the Dragonmaw were empowered by Deathwing himself to enslave the red dragonflight, a period during which they committed acts of horrific torture and unforgivable crimes in order to provide their clan with red dragon mounts. Later, the Dragonmaw were involved in enslaving the Nether Dragons of Outland. Under the leadership of Warlord Zaela, the clan pledged themselves to Garrosh.

Today, the Dragonmaw are led by Gorfax Angerfang.

Gorfax Angerfang

The Dragonmaw have had many disagreements with Thrall in the past. I hope this Kosh’harg will do much to unite us again.

Gregor, who can be found standing with Gralok, seems hopeful at the prospect of a new era for the Dragonmaw.

I do hope the Dragonmaw can find a true place within the Horde after all these years.

There has been more than enough strife between the orcs. May it finally be done.

Herezegor Flametusk, on the other hand, is suspicious of the invite.

Herezegor Flametusk

I cannot believe that Thrall would extend an olive branch to the Dragonmaw like this. After our years in the Dark Horde, and Warlord Zaela commanding our forces under Hellscream?

This must be some sort of trick!

Mallia the Seer is equally suspicious of an invitation from Aggra offered to her and Artesh to join the Earthern Ring, a neutral faction of shaman from all over Azeroth. Though she has misgivings, she seems prepared to accept guidance from the spirits.

Mallia the Seer

In the spirit of fellowship among orcs, Artesh and I have been extended an invitation to join the Earthen Ring by the new Farseer, Aggralan.
So the Frostwolf of Outland says, but old prejudices are not so easily put down among the orcs of Azeroth.
I will spend time scrying the outcomes before we decide. Despite our personal feelings, we must do as the spirits will.

Kolgar Flameguard is not a member of the Dragonmaw Clan, but his old traveling companion, Duroz Scaletaker, was. Towards the end of his life, Duroz’s crimes weighed heavily on his mind. He spent his final days in the Ruby Lifeshrine, facing the creatures he once caused so much harm to, where he was surprised by the Red Dragonflight’s kindness as they did what they could to soothe his pain.

After Duroz’s death, Kolgar spent some time reflecting on the old Orc’s decision to travel all the way to the Dragon Isles, knowing he would die.

Kolgar Flameguard

I wish Duroz was here to see this… so many orcs from all over, together.

Though I wonder if he would have avoided his former clan. The least I can do is inform them of his passing.

Joining the Dragonmaw

The Dragonmaw Clan is one of the Orc Clans that the player can choose to join as part of the Heritage Armor Questline. When inviting players to join this clan, Gorfax Angerfang briefly describes the clan’s history and current role. When challenged on his clan’s terrible history, he does not flinch or deny the Dragonmaw’s crimes, but does assert a determination to find a new place for his clan, one that will never again enslave others.

Gorfax Angerfang

You want to know about the Dragonmaw? Hmph, fine. I will recount our sad history.

My clan were once fearsome hunters and rylak-riders who lived on the border of Frostfire Ridge and Gorgrond. We earned the name Dragonmaw after we were given the power to enslave red dragons by Deathwing.

After we lost our dragons, we grew isolated and desperate. We attempted to find new slaves, the Netherwing, and the black dragons, but could keep neither. We eventually joined Hellscream’s Horde, only to lose another leader–and any scrap of honor we had left.

If after hearing all of this you still wish to join the Dragonmaw, we will welcome you.

The Dragonmaw are dishonorable. Why should I join you?

You are not wrong. The Angerfang were long supporters of Nek’ros Skullcrusher and his son. It earned us nothing but death and dishonor.

I will say this. I intend to find a new place in Azeroth–and in this new Horde–for my people. And I intend to do it through our own strength alone, not through yet another enslaved people.

If we Dragonmaw die out before that happens, so be it.

The Dragonmaw’s Table

Despite his qualms, Grot Deathblow can be found enjoying the feast at the Dragonmaw’s table. Though Mallia and Artesh may have official invitations to the Earthen Ring, they too can be found at their clan’s table, along with Herezegor Flametusk and Gorfax Angerfang. Gregor and Gralok stand nearby, and so does Kolgar Flameguard.

With younger Orcs choosing clans as part of the new tradition of Kosh’harg, it’s possible Kolgar will find a new purpose with the Dragonmaw, helping to change the clan’s legacy to one that Duroz could have been proud of.

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