

  1. By the way, at the end of WoTLK "King Menethil" was actually Ner'Zhul. This is supported by the fact that any spirit trapped within frostmourne has no power over the lich king. Arthas would never let his father manifest from it either, even if he was overcome by the guilt. He lost his soul to frostmourne long ago. Only Ner'zhul could manifest from the crown of domination.

  2. In the expansion Wrath of the Lich King,Arthas is looking like an extremely powerful lich but when you stay and think that he had the power to raise an army of undead you would think "why the hell Azeroth is not destroyed",because Arthas powers was weakening. If his powers were unlimited i assume that Lich King would say "I have Sylvanas,i have the undead army,i have the scourge,oh wait,now i have whole Azeroth…Time to destroy it"

  3. Whoa… get chills every time that kid starts singing! The music in this game is… just amazing!!!?! It certifies what is otherwise a fairly immature experience & grants it a theatrical magnitude!

    That… & this makes me wanna load up my account & start leveling my Deathnell,me ole' DK from WotLK

  4. Great vid, though you some mistakes with the lyrics.
    The last line of the chorus is "Pala Uh'm Ravali Ah'm. (Fail him never)."
    You however worte "Palahm raval. (Fail him never). "


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